CSDL tài liệu nghiên cứu về kinh tế - Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)

Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) là nỗ lực hợp tác của hàng trăm tình nguyện viên ở nhiều quốc gia nhằm tăng cường phổ biến nghiên cứu về kinh tế. Trọng tâm của dự án là một cơ sở dữ liệu phi tập trung gồm các bài báo làm việc, bản in trước, bài báo và các thành phần phần mềm. Dự án bắt đầu vào năm 1997. NetEc tiền thân của nó có từ năm 1993.

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Maritime Economics

For 5000 years shipping has served the world economy and today it provides a sophisticated transport service to every part of the globe. Yet despite its economic complexity, shipping retains much of the competitive cut and thrust of the “perfect” market of classical economics. This blend of sophisticated logistics and larger than life entrepreneurs makes it a unique case study of classical economics in a modern setting

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Principles of Economics

To help you further master the key principles of economics in this edition, powerful student-focused digital resources are available in the leading MindTap digital learning and homework solution.

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Economics: Ninth edition (William Boyes)

Economics, 9e. A reader-friendly writing style, carefully integrated learning features, and emphasis on global economics clearly illustrate the connections between key economic principles and today's actual business practices.

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Economics (Twelfth edition)

Economics is all around us. It influences our daily lives, our society, political decisions, environmental concerns and the future we leave for our children. The twelfth edition of Economics by David Begg and Gianluigi Vernasca is a focused toolkit for studying economics. It enables the reader to understand how economics underpins the world we live in, by presenting the economic theory in a clear and accessible way and applying it to real world situations.

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Consumer education and economics, fourth edition

Consumer Education & Economics is a comprehensive consumer education program covering three broad areas: understanding our economy, managing family and personal finances, and making well-informed purchasing decisions.

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Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence does the seemingly impossible, magically bringing machines to life--driving cars, trading stocks, and teaching children. But facing the sea change that AI will bring can be paralyzing. How should companies set strategies, governments design policies, and people plan their lives for a world so different from what we know? In the face of such uncertainty, many analysts either cower in fear or predict an impossibly sunny future.

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Matchmakers: The New Economics of Multisided Platforms

Many of the most dynamic public companies, from Alibaba to Facebook to Visa, and the most valuable start-ups, such as Airbnb and Uber, are matchmakers that connect one group of customers with another group of customers. Economists call matchmakers multisided platforms because they provide physical or virtual platforms for multiple groups to get together. Dating sites connect people with potential matches, for example, and ride-sharing apps do the same for drivers and riders. Although matchmakers have been around for millennia, they’re becoming more and more popular—and profitable—due to dramatic advances in technology, and a lot of companies that have managed to crack the code of this business model have become today’s power brokers

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Từ điển kinh tế thương mại Việt - Anh An Vietnamese English dictionary of economics and com erce

Từ điển kinh tế thương mại Việt - Anh  A Vietnamese English dictionary of economics and com erce. Với hơn 800 trang và trên 40.000 từ ngữ bao quát hầu hết những ngành trọng yếu trong phạm vi kinh tế, thương mại hiện đại, với nhiều từ, cụm từ và thành ngữ thông dụng, cập nhật, có thể giúp cho các sinh viên và các nhà hoạt động doanh nghiệp, nhất là những người đang làm công tác dịch thuật có thêm một tài liệu tiện dụng để tham khảo.

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Principles of economics third edition

Avoiding excessive reliance on formal mathematical derivations, Frank and Bernanke 2e presents concepts intuitively through examples drawn from familiar contexts. The authors introduce a well-articulated short list of core principles and reinforce them by illustrating and applying each in numerous contexts. Students are periodically asked to apply these principles to answer related questions and exercises

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